Recent Webinar: Building an Adaptive Cyber Resilient Cloud
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Financial services are the number one target for cyber attacks and nearly eighty percent of attacks take place through the endpoint.

Stop Being a Target

Despite enormous security investments, financial institutions face increasing risk from advanced, evasive threats that are constantly evolving to bypass their security controls. In particular, fileless variants of Banking trojans and other malware targeting financial institutions have grown immensely.

Morphisec protects financial organizations from the sophisticated, targeted cyber attacks that present the most risk. Groundbreaking Moving Target Defense technology prevents threats that others can’t without needing signatures, IOCs or any other method of detection.

Learn more
Financial Cyber Crime Statistic

Average annual cost per financial services organization for cybercrime, per an Accenture report

What Our Customers Are Saying
“We were looking for a real simple to manage, zero performance impact, anti Exploit and anti Ransomware solution for our XenApp Enabled Webmail, following some concerning Ransomware attacks.”

Head of Security, Taiwan/Hong Kong-based Bank

“We looked everywhere and the only product we found that provides advanced threat security, with no degradation of performance of our VDI and no impact on the user experience, was Morphisec.”

Security Officer, Private Credit Card Company

Morphisec Secures Financial Institutions Without Compromising Your Business

Prevents advanced threats and zero-days

Natively prevents all zero-days, advanced memory-based threats, malicious documents and browser-based attacks, before they execute.

Secures without disrupting business

Tiny 2 Mb agent active only at load-time, installs quickly, requires no management and has zero performance penalty.

Protects across your infrastructure

Functions across virtual, physical or hybrid IT environments, no internet connection required.

Immediate positive ROI

Morphisec has the highest security tool cost-risk value. No need to investigate or analyze, no false positive alerts, no remediation.

How Morphisec’s AMTD Works

Unlike other endpoint protection solutions which must first detect an attack in order to stop it, Morphisec prevents advanced attacks from executing by dismantling their delivery mechanisms and kill chain. Morphisec uses patented Moving Target Defense technology to morph the memory space layout so adversaries cannot find an entry point, or the resources required, to execute an attack. This real-time, one-way randomization prevents highly sophisticated attacks, including the most advanced exploits and fileless malware.

  • Morph & Conceal
  • Protect & Deceive
  • Prevent & Expose Attacks

As an application loads to the memory space, Morphisec morphs the process structures, making the memory constantly unpredictable to attackers.


Legitimate application code memory is dynamically updated to use the morphed resources; applications load and run as usual. A skeleton of the original structure is left as a trap.


Attacks target the original structure and fail as they cannot find the resources they expect and need. Attacks are immediately prevented, trapped and logged with full forensic details.

Ready to Get Started?

Morphisec reduces your organization’s risk exposure without affecting business productivity or creating work for your security team. Let our experts show you how it works.

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