Recent Webinar: Building an Adaptive Cyber Resilient Cloud
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Antivirus can't protect against advanced fileless attacks that constantly change their modus operandi or in-memory cyber attacks that never drop a file. Fileless attacks techniques are 10x more likely to breach your company.

Prevent Breaches Using Moving Target Defense

Businesses without a memory and advanced threat defense layer leave themselves exposed to the biggest risk. For smaller enterprises the consequences can be devastating - 60 percent of small companies go out of business following  successful cyber attacks.

Morphisec offers cyber security solutions for small businesses to protect from the sophisticated, evasive fileless attacks that present the most risk. Groundbreaking Moving Target Defense technology prevents threats that others can’t. And it doesn’t demand resources to operate that smaller enterprises can ill afford.


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of all cybercrimes
target small and midsize enterprises


TOT Zoom

Effortless to Deploy and Manage

Most advanced threat protection products work on the basis of detection. They detect malicious signatures, heuristic properties or behavior patterns. This requires resource-consuming updates to detect new threats and generates numerous alerts, many false. The result? Inefficient IT teams, increased costs and important threats missed in the masses of data.

Morphisec deploys easily, does not generate alerts to chase, and does not impact system or network performance. Moving Target Defense works deterministically, immediately blocking exploits, evasive malware and fileless attacks with no detection required.

What Our Customers Are Saying

“As a media company, Lagardère Active is lean in IT and security resources, yet it is prone to advanced attacks. In Morphisec we found the prevention layer that mitigates advanced attacks without any effect on our team, which is key for us.”

Pierre Olivier Sicamois, VP of IT Infrastructures and Services, Lagardère Active

“We looked everywhere and the only product we found that provides advanced threat security, with no degradation of performance of our VDI and no impact on the user experience, was Morphisec.”

Security Officer, Private Credit Card Company

Award-Winning Solution for Midsize Enterpises


Ready to Get Started?

Morphisec reduces your organization’s risk exposure without affecting business productivity or creating work for your security team. Let our experts show you how it works.

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