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CinaRAT Resurfaces With New Evasive Techniques

Nadav Lorber
Nadav Lorber
05 Feb 2021
7 min read
Morphisec Labs

In this post, we cover the CinaRAT loader’s evasive tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), as identified and prevented by Morphisec’s zero-trust endpoint security solution powered by Moving Target Defense technology.

We review different versions of multi-staged loaders that attempt to inject and execute CinaRAT within a victim’s host memory. CinaRAT code is available on GitHub for download; generally it’s just a rebranded QuasarRAT.

We focus on the evasive components that allowed attackers to sustain zero detection for such a long period of time (VirusTotal).

Technical Analysis

First stage: ISO/VBS script

Our investigation begins with a Visual Basic script identified in a customer environment. We observed its delivery through an ISO archive file.

The script implements reflective loading, persistence, and evasion functionality.

The first step is a reflective loading of a remote .NET DLL executable, usually from a GitHub user account represented by an image download.

GitHub user  account

Figure 1:The image download

As soon as the image is downloaded and loaded into memory, it’s written into a startup folder using an advanced method:

In order to copy itself into the autoruns, the script calls “NameSpace(7).Self.Path” which retrieves the autoruns path. This is a unique technique which isn’t often used for malware delivery.

Malware delivery

Figure 2: NameSpace(7) usage

The obfuscation method for each version is different. Within each version the attacker changes the comment line in each code line so they can avoid hash detection.

Obfuscation method-dynamic artifact

Figure 3: Comment as a dynamic artifact

An interesting note is that the string technique utilized in the “GMR” variable evades VirusTotal when it is parsed.

VirusTotal content parsing

Figure 4: VirusTotal content parsing

These are the main changes between Visual Basic script versions:

  • Obfuscation, mainly splitting strings:

Splitting strings

Figure 5: Part of a split string

  • “If” condition within the Powershell in order to validate the payload was successfully downloaded
  • Different payloads with different URLs

The following table lists a few examples that correlate between the URL download domain to the file path saved within the victim host along with our internal version numbering.

Internal version Download URL Local file path
V1 hxxps://raw.githubusercontent[.]com/githubaccountz/z/main/a.png C:UsersPublicMusica.jpg
V1.1 hxxps://raw.githubusercontent[.]com/githubuser2x/x/master/New.jpg


V1.1 + V2 hxxps://raw.githubusercontent[.]com/githubuser2x/aws/main/Img.jpg
V3 https://raw.githubusercontent[.]com/githubuser2x/x/blob/master/One.html C:UsersPublicDocumentsOne.html

Second stage: .NET loader

As described in a previous stage, the Visual Basic script delivers a second .NET file.

The purpose of this .NET file is to decode the final stage .NET CinaRAT payload and inject it into a legitimate Windows process using process hollowing. This is done with several evasion techniques in order to avoid detection and AI.

The RAT payload resides in a base64 encoded string that, during the execution, is decoded and XORed with string as the key. Once the .NET DLL decodes the RAT, it hollows legitimate images in memory and injects it.

byte[] array = bxx.fhghjhhfgddg(Convert.FromBase64String(bxx.xxxz), “!@#$%^&*(gfgghgj)_)*gjgj^$#GJgjgjgjNHGH%^*(&^$#$$%&”);

XOR decoding routine in V2

Figure 6: The XOR decoding routine in V2

We observed four different versions along with four subversions between December 8, 2020, and February 2, 2021. The attacker updated the evasion techniques from version to version in order to avoid detection.

The following table lists the different internal versions along the with first seen date either from the attacker’s GitHub or VirusTotal submission.

Loader Internal version Github date VirusTotal date
V1 December 8, 2020
V1.1 December 18, 2020 December 20, 2020
V2 December 24, 2020
V2.1 December 24, 2020 December 31, 2020
V2.2 January 16, 2021 Was not submitted
V3 January 23, 2021 January 27, 2021
V4 January 22, 2021 January 25, 2021
V4.1 February 1, 2021 February 3, 2021

Code Pattern

In each version the code pattern is different but eventually, the execution flow stays the same except for minor changes. Here are a few examples:

  • The called method convention is the same in all of the versions (axx.bxx.cxx()) except V4 ([WorkArea.Work]::Exe()).
  • In V1 and V2, the encoded base64 string is loaded from a variable, while in V3 and V4 it’s loaded from a bunch of functions joined together to form the string.
  • The XOR key is the same in all of the versions except in V4.
Version Key
V1 – V3 !@#$%^&*(gfgghgj)_)*gjgj^$#GJgjgjgjNHGH%^*(&^$#$$%&
V4 !@#$%%&*(*))_D!@#DasHF

Encoded payload chunk from V4.1

Figure 7: Encoded payload chunk from V4.1

Code Obfuscator

The attacker obfuscated the code using an unregistered version of Eziriz .NET Reactor, although in V2 and V3 it seems they either switched to a registered version or discarded the remnant code as the following script was not there anymore. In V4 the attacker did not implement any obfuscator, but in V4.1 the obfuscation was implemented again with the “unregistered” remnant code.

Fingerprint string

Figure 8: Fingerprint string

Code Masquerading

From V1.1, the attacker added legitimate namespaces from popular .NET libraries to the loader. This evasion technique tries to disguise the loader as a legitimate .DLL in order to avoid analysis. It’s also possible this technique can bypass AV solutions that implement whitelist rules on chunks from those .NET libraries. The following table lists a few examples of libraries that were used.

Version Libraries
V1 None
V1.1 Newtonsoft json.NET
V2.1 RestSharp + DiscUtils

Some of the namespaces in V2

Figure 9: Some of the namespaces in V2

Analyzing the submission dates and the first detection dates on all of the loaders in VirusTotal suggests the code masquerading technique succeeds in bypassing AV solutions.

Third stage: RAT Payload

We have observed four different versions of RAT payloads. The first one used was QuasarRAT 1.4, while later on CinaRAT was used instead with some modifications. For the C2 domain, the attacker mostly used a dynamic DNS service from myq-see[.]com

The following table correlates the observed RAT version with the C2 domain and Loader version.

RAT Version Loader internal version C2 Domain
QuasarRAT 1.4 V1 server.homesbill[.]com

CinaRAT variant A

V1.1 + V2 aptzebi.myq-see[.]com
V2.1 aptzebi0.myq-see[.]com
V2.1 + V2.2 mahost.myq-see[.]com
CinaRAT variant B V3
V4 aptzebi3.myq-see[.]com
CinaRAT variant C V4.1 zebi4.myq-see[.]com

RAT configuration example from V4.1 Figure 10: RAT configuration example from V4.1


Morphisec prevents CinaRAT attacks with a zero-trust default-deny approach to endpoint security, powered by Automated Moving Target Defense. Morphisec customers are thus protected from CinaRAT, regardless of the evasive techniques an attacker deploys to bypass EDR and NGAV solutions.



VB Scripts (Stage 1)
SHA256 Internal version
6dd24a396feba685ed77ee73e20388a571ffee2a857e5269406043aa5a03fb50 V1
c1112384f112be4ca371297019f4ca8d93d7b76e105014d1b9d54b18aced9124 V1.1
d14a38bf604ba56945f3e16732103dbb47067977e14de567cacf1c09ba20b7f7 V1.2
44a69db5be76bfd200aaa79510e2f8a240f07f9d0840df95e55a0fec0944afdb V2
addd44ee803082c4667bae68284e316f1a799b72ecbdaae38097ba2c4ccb9d16 V3
.NET Loader (Stage 2)
SHA256 Internal version
f5fd82f7f599b1ed477a6f66388cbe0f2beec9fc28e83d35105cd3222a85d5ab V1
cc18946e23d3fd289375912cb1d997be0ae3e71d2b4bcf1a14583f9f3ab4f919 V1.1
714cdcd6e144b482d1c98661e894900244862c7135a895f2edfcd7fdac6d84fc V2
e1594447ff87f29d61735f5ce39a8150fae79349b389c8e5dab2c2de30e62966 V2.1
32a9caba473f6f19103526c605e65c421adc50421cab6e0a7de9d745b8829778 V2.2
96fe6bfe32a8cc77adff891b39c45c638c456b48915798e69012ea1e4333560f V3
4ba57a45bfd29555d3e269abdb6efa391befc164e90813fb0ff2d486b52792ca V4



About the author

Nadav Lorber

Security Research Team Lead

Nadav Lorber is a leader on Morphisec’s cutting-edge threat research team. He began his career in threat intelligence in 2013, where he was a SOC Specialist for the Israeli government’s military intelligence department. Since joining Morphisec, Nadav has helped uncover key insights on topics like Jupyter Infostealer, Log4j, and the Snip3 crypter.

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